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What Am I Playing



You have been happily playing your instrument for years when one day you woke up and realized that beautiful curved beauty is total mystery to you. You are hungry for knowledge and those youtube videos just aren't cutting it. You need someone to explain to you what the heck you are playing and how to take it to the next step!

Examples Of Possible Curriculum:


- Learn the CAGED System including scales, chords, and licks

- Learn popular musical forms

- Learn how to analyze chords 

- Learn to play in multiple keys

- Learn common chord embellishments and substitutions

- Learn the theory of scales, chords, and rhythm and how it applies to your instrument

- Learn how to figure songs out by ear, tablature, song sheets, and charts

- Theory 201 workshop

- Guitar Techniques workshop


Contact Me

I offer free consultations to all perspective students to assure that I am the right fit for you. Please contact me to set up a consultation today!

Thank you for your message. I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Business hours:

M/W - 1:00pm 9pm

   TH/Sun - 1:00pm - 6pm   

(206) 317 - 4280

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