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I Want To Play Like That



When you think of guitar you think of one player that has changed your life. All you want to do is play like (insert name here) and you will be content. You either need to know where to start or can't figure out why what you are doing just doesn't sound quite right.

Examples Of Possible Curriculum:


- Learn to read all types of guitar music

- Learn the CAGED System

- Memorize the scales relevant to the genres you like

- Learn advanced chords shapes and the theory behind them

- Transcribe five songs played by the artist you are trying to emulate

- Learn to apply the language you learned from transcriptions to original pieces

- Guitar Techniques Workshop 

Contact Me

I offer free consultations to all perspective students to assure that I am the right fit for you. Please contact me to set up a consultation today!

Thank you for your message. I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Business hours:

M/W - 1:00pm 9pm

   TH/Sun - 1:00pm - 6pm   

(206) 317 - 4280

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